Casting Shadows and Making Monsters Finding Inspiration in Likely Places By J.P. Jackson I can definitely say that the blank white of a page staring back at me from the computer screen is a daunting vision. What am I supposed to put there? How do I fill it with words that elegantly describe the visions in my head? And make no mistake, they are visions. Everything I write is more or less a description of the internal movie that plays over and over in my mind. But stringing together the words to describe that vision is far trickier than I had originally thought when I first put words to digital paper. Authors who have already been down that long winding road of unabashed creativity always spout the same two pieces of advice: Write. It doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad, just write. Write what you know. Okay, I can get past the first one. Sit down, turn on the computer, under no circumstances launch an internet browser, and then do nothing but type. Sometim...