FEVER by Lauren DeStefano (The Chemical Garden #2) 3 Stars Verdict: Miserable. And not in a good way. Let’s get one thing straight. I loved book one and I’m still pumped for book 3. Unfortunately this is a bridging story full of side plots. It was the aftermath of book 1 and the build up to book 3, and there’s one word to describe it. Miserable. What wasn’t miserable was a half-happy memory, scarred by the dystopian world. That in itself is pretty despondent. The beautiful prose made it sound like a reminiscent drone, and the scales were tipped towards pretentious in this book. Personally I didn’t connect with it like I did the last time. In particular, I never really understood the many references to bees. Life became grey for me when reading this. Well alright, the prose was beautiful so let’s say a shade of greyish lilac. So life was crap before and it’s crap now. And it’s only getting crapper. The people in their world don’t even want to fix the issue...