That's it, guys. My review doors are now closed. We have 12 (hopefully) excited authors waiting to see whether they'll make it to the next round. I can't wait to get reading!
From here, I'll test each book out by reading the first few chapters to decide whether or not I want to read on. After all, a good book will pull me in from the start and will never let go!
I hope to have my favourites up by Tuesday the 31st of March. From there, I will read each of the remaining novels as if I'd bought it from a bookshop. This means if I lose interest or start to see huge issues with book, then it's tough love from me. You're out.
Mini reviews will be posted for each of the top five within the month. I'll post with an update if I get delayed for any reason.
Once read and reviewed, I'll pick a ruling winner. Good luck, everyone.
As I write this, I only have 8 entries downloaded onto my tablet. If you haven't yet sent me a mobi/kindle file then please do this by Friday the 27th of March at the latest. Otherwise you'll have to wait for the next one.
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